Book Light
May 15, 2021 - When one of my favorite car companies, Abarth (sport brand of FIAT), sent out a logo redesign challenge on their social media, I knew I had to accept the challenge. My goal was to create a useful, 3D printed sculpture that used the unique characteristics of the logo, such as the iconic scorpion.
The result was this; the clip-on Abarth Book Light. This sculpture consists of three, 3D printed pieces and a small, reused light in order to create one of the coolest book lights you'll see! The different colors were achieved on the same part by changing filament colors at designated layer heights, resulting in a very clean final product.
I am thrilled with my Abarth Book Light. Not only does it look great, but it functions well as book light (check out the video below). It was so much fun blending art and engineering to great this gadget - I can't wait to do it again!
If you're an Abarth fan, go print one below!
Original Logo